Rabbi Shabtai Teicher

Shabtai Teicher, was born in Brooklyn in 1946 and settled in Jerusalem in 1970. He studied for over 7 years with one of the outstanding and renowned kabbalists of our generation, Rabbi Mordechai Attiah, and also studied deeply in various other fields of Jewish scholarship. He was a specialist in Lurianic Kabbala, edited and annotated the first eleven chapters of our English rendition of “Shaar HaGilgulim.”
He authored the “The Saba of Mishpatim” translation and commentary of the passage in the Zohar which deals with reincarnation.


…went to demonstrate

totally useless exercise

completely wasted time

a propellor blowing in the wind

a delusion on a pedestal

amid a swamp of hate

At least I won’t feel so lonely,

I’ll know that there are other

Official maniacs, like me.

Suddenly, he asked me there,

“Are you the father of Brian Neebeucher?”

I said, “No.

I am the father of other people,

But not he.”

It was only later

After he was stomped by the police

Along with others I learned

That he


Brian Neebeucher.

I should not be surprised

In another lifetime

Brian Neubeucher

Was me.


A pellet of light

Was going to come out

From superb anonymity.

Kicking from within

It refracted through

The Supreme Mother’s Matrix.

As if through a prism

Into seventy lights.

These seventy lights

Becoming the seventy branches

Of the Tree of Life.

This tree gives up a scent.

Then all the trees of the Garden of Eden

The Garden of Delights

Send up smells

That themselves praise their Master,

Their very existence

A song in His Honor.

In the midst of the Garden –

Then the girl gets dressed to go to the chuppah.

All the seventy supernal lights

Join together with one desire,

In unison will

To be one

Without any separation.

And Her husband gets ready

for Her,

To go to the chuppa

With the same unification –

To be together with the Queen.

Believe it or not

At this point She seems to falter,

Loses Her cool, is afraid to move

That we have to move Her

To arouse Her from dread

So we say Shema Yisrael

And this is what we mean:

“Hear O Israel,

Get yourself ready

Who was destined to be your husband

Is coming to you

Dressed in all his finery

Carrying many good qualities.”

“The Name our G-d, the Tetragrammaton is One.”

One unification, one will.

Without separation

All these lights joining together

Into One, going into one…


When Israel says “Hashem is One”

There are six words

Six sides

The three dimensions of space

They become one

They go into the center point

With one…


The bride dressed, adorned in Her jewelry

The grooms come to her

To take her

To her husband

In great secrecy

And we whisper,

“Blessed is the glory of His Kingdom

(That is Her)

forever and ever.”

Jerusalem, Tevet 5762

[Based on a commentary (Sulam 125, “Terumah”) on the Zohar, one of the fundamental works of Kabbala.]